Who I am is already enough. There are many people that love and cherish me for who I am. Though I am becoming more each day, I am adored for who I am today.
I feel comfortable and confident being myself. I am free of the need to pretend to be anything other than who I really am. I allow the world to see my flaws, faults, and failures.
I am honest in how I present myself to the world. I am fine as I am.
I try to be a better person each day, but I am great the way I am right now.
I value the people who love me just the way I am. Their love brings me the confidence and comfort to reveal more of myself.
I have much to give and to share. I want to give my greatest gifts to the world.
My uniqueness makes me special. The parts of me that are different from others are my greatest strengths. I feel more comfortable each day letting others see the true me.
The whole world is seeing me as I really am.
Today, I embrace my true self. I open myself up to everyone. I am treasured for who I really am.
Self-Reflection Questions:
What am I hiding from the world? Why?
How would I feel if I just let everyone see the real me?
What about me would surprise people if they knew? Is that a negative or positive thing?