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We provide immediate help - Even if your relationship has become distant over time, we are confident that you can begin having the kinds of conversations you need to, in order to become close again.

Our approach is unique - using only the best, most proven techniques. Unlike many therapists - you won't find us just listening while you take turns complaining about the problems you're having!

From your first session with us, you'll be seeing things from new angles. You'll take home information that can help you change stuck patterns and habits, so your relationship can become a source of happiness again.

Albuquerque Family Counseling works with couples in all stages of their relationships- straight, LGBT+, monogomous, living together, unmarried, married, separated, divorced, or those who are just not sure where their relationship is going.

*Please note: All packages must be prepaid in full, no refunds on packages.

Couple Hugging


We can Help! - Individual Counseling can help you gain new perspective, stop the feelings of sadness and overwhelm, and get you back to enjoying your life.

If you suffer from:

  • Feelings of chronic depression, negative self messages, poor self image and self neglect.

  • Feeling isolated and alone, and having few meaningful or supportive relationships in your life.

  • Chronic problems interacting with coworkers, friends, spouse, or family members.

  • Losing a sense of purpose and direction; feeling a lack of meaning in your life.

  • Struggling with patterns that you seem unable to change, or addictions or unhealthy lifestyle choices.


We use only current, research based methods- CBT, EMDR, Hypnotherapy, SFBT and various other methods and tools to support your path into feeling great!

*Please note: All packages must be prepaid in full, no refunds on packages.

Girl with Flower

Copyright © 2021 Albuquerque Family Counseling. All Rights Reserved

Our Location
8500 Menaul Bl NE

Suite B460
Albuquerque, New Mexico
(505) 974-0104

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